22 Mar, 2021

Quttera's Website Malware Scanner Now Offers Enhanced Report

Quttera recently implemented two major enhancements to their malware scanner report that allow you to react more flexibly to threats and to more securely protect your website.
If you do business online in any way, shape, or form, malware poses a significant threat to your bottom line. There's no shortage of ways in which malware can negatively impact a business. Falling prey to a malware attack can lead to sensitive data being compromised. It can have untold financial pitfalls. And it can lead to costly lawsuits if customer trust is breached. In short, no matter what industry you're in, you'll want to secure your computers and network from a potential malware attack to avoid cascading impacts down the line after one might happen. A malware scanner is a valuable asset for threat detection. It's also important to understand that one can happen at any time, even if you're dealing with servers you previously found to be trustworthy.

Proper cybersecurity means empowering your team with the right tools. Quttera offers a malware scan report, which it includes in a number of its products, to help give you useful data with information about potential threats. Recent enhancements to Quttera's malware scan report have made it even more effective. Let's take a closer look at how you can protect your organization and the specific updates made to Quttera's malware scanner report.
Why is malware dangerous?
In order to understand malware protection, we must first understand malware and why it's dangerous. An abbreviation of the term malicious software, malware is any kind of program installed onto a computer to gain illicit access or otherwise exploit the affected device or system. It could be installed to harm a single PC or to take down an entire network of machines. Malware can come in the form of a virus, worm, or other types of malicious code. Some malware attacks are followed by a request from the hacker for financial payment to release the affected systems — this is known as ransomware. There are many variations of malware attacks. What differentiates malware from other programs is not the program or technology used to implement it but rather the hacker's intent looking to infiltrate the device or system.

What's the cost of not safeguarding your organization against malware? It depends on your vulnerability and your specific industry, but it has the potential to do some serious damage. One estimate found that recovering from ransomware attacks can cost, on average, $84,000.

What does this mean for your organization? You'll want to take the necessary steps to protect your computers and network. That's where Quttera's malware scanner can help in a big way.
What is Quttera's malware scanner and what does it do?
Quttera offers a variety of products that can keep your website free of malware and resilient from attacks. It offers a web application firewall, malware scanning and removal, and many other tools you'll need to keep your site secure.

Quttera's website scanning engine can test your system to optimize performance, ensuring your infrastructure isn't compromised. It also offers the following services that help you build the security profile that best fits your organization, including:

  • Server and client-side malware scanning
  • Scans you can run on a set schedule or on-demand, in the event of an urgent event
  • DNS/IP change alerts in the event of a DNS attack
  • Malware cleanup framework
  • Endpoint Web Application Firewall
  • DNS-based Web Application Firewall
  • Website integrity check
  • SSL certificate validation and monitoring
  • Port scanning
  • Zero downloads, updates, or installations to worry about managing
Your ability to prepare for and respond to malware attacks is only as strong as the tools you have at your disposal. Quttera's malware scanning gives you the information you need to remain prepared for an attack, and the information you need to fight back once an attack comes your way. Quttera uses its external malware scanner successfully in many of its products. It also produces a malware scan report providing useful intelligence on the health of your device or system, and this report recently received a massive upgrade.

What are the latest enhancements to the malware scan report?
What makes Quttera's external malware scanner so valuable is that Quttera constantly looks at ways to refresh the tool to stay up to date with emerging trends and threat vectors. That means monitoring it and improving it when necessary. Quttera recently implemented two major enhancements to the malware scan report that make the external malware scanner even more effective against malware threats:

  • It has "added unique threat name per detected threat" as an issue to monitor. This can aid in identifying how the site may have been infected, sources of infection, and the appropriate actions needed to clean the infection.
  • The scan report now includes a much more concrete location for any detected threats through the use of line and offset of the detected infection. This will simplify the threat body search found in the HTML/JS code.
In the above index.html file, you'll notice references to a detected blacklisted domain. With the latest enhancements to Quttera's malware scan report, you can now easily look up the exact location within the file itself. In this particular example, that would be line 1049, offset 1091.

Simply put: these new changes provide your organization with more of the data you need to make informed choices about how to protect your system from malware. In a cyberattack, there's nothing more useful than data. The ability to understand where your enemy is coming from and how they plan to exploit your system provides you with a significant advantage.

Below is a list of Quttera products using Quttera's external malware scanner and that generate a malware scanning report. These products will all be reinforced by the enhancements to the malware scanner report:

Ensure a safer online experience with Quttera's malware scanner
The enhancements to Quttera's malware scan report give users more ability to remain flexible in the face of cyber threats. The new report helps you go beyond the superficial threat and speaks to the root cause. This is integral in understanding where the threat may have come from as well as your system's ability to withstand such a threat.

The malware report generated by Quttera products is reviewed. The type of information included in it is adjusted on a consistent basis. It's optimized to help your organization detect threats that pose the greatest risks to your enterprise. If you're interested in finding out how to level up your organization's holistic approach to cybersecurity, particularly by using our external website malware scanner, reach out to Quttera for more on security solutions today.
