17 Jun, 2024

OWASP Top 10 Security Risks of 2023 - How ThreatSign Can Help

Discover the top 10 security threats OWASP released for 2023 and how Quttera's ThreatSign solutions can help mitigate them
Each year, OWASP releases a list of the top 10 threats in cybersecurity. Those threats can devastate your business, particularly if you aren't prepared to address them. Fortunately, with the right security and website anti-malware tools, you can reduce the risk to your business and, in many cases, mitigate those threats before they grow more serious.

Using Quttera's ThreatSign! can provide the vital tools you need, whether you choose the Essential Security package, the Premium Security package, or the Emergency solution.
Below are the top 10 security risks OWASP released for 2023 and how ThreatSign! can mitigate them.

Threat #1: Unauthorized Access

Access controls top OWASP 2023's top 10 list of threats and with good reason. They determine who has access to any given area of the account. Broken access control occurs when the system no longer enforces them, allowing people without authorization—including, in some cases, outside sources or hackers—to access materials they should not be able to access.

Businesses can help keep their data and systems secure by protecting against unauthorized access, from offering the least required privileges to all users to conducting regular audits, Businesses can help keep their data and systems secure.

Threat #2: Cryptographic Issues

Cryptography encrypts, or effectively "translates," secure data like personal information, credit cards, and more. In some cases, however, those encryption standards may not be adequate to protect data access effectively. Passwords stored insecurely, applications utilizing insecure ciphers, or inadequate transport layer security can lead to cryptographic failures. Regular security testing can assist in identifying potential cryptographic failures and ensuring data security.

Threat #3: Security Misconfiguration

When your organization fails to configure its security and settings properly, it can leave your business or website wide open to attack. From failing to patch vulnerabilities as they come up to leaving files or directories unprotected, several problems can cause serious security issues for the business. Unfortunately, many businesses fail to take care of essential security settings, leaving vulnerabilities that can expose them to cybersecurity threats. Security audits can help identify those vulnerabilities and ensure that everything is configured correctly.

Threat #4: Outdated Platforms

Eventually, even your most valuable tools will go out of date. They will no longer receive support, their performance may degrade, and they will not receive patches for vulnerabilities as they emerge. Furthermore, they may not have the latest security controls and configurations. When you have outdated components to your website or your business setup, they can result in serious security challenges. Worse, information about those threats and vulnerabilities may be readily available to hackers.

Threat #5: Authentication or Identification Challenges

Another risk on the OWASP top 10 list is authentication or identification challenges. Utilizing authentication and identifying confirmation allows you to ensure that only authorized users can access your network more easily.
Unfortunately, many businesses fail to properly utilize authentication. For example, they may allow weak passwords or fail to implement log in requirements that will protect against brute force attacks. While multifactor authentication isn't a perfect fix, it can significantly decrease hackers' ability to access your systems.

Threat #6: Faulty Application Design

Developers must utilize effective security when creating new applications or platforms. Unfortunately, some developers still use outdated practices or may fail to implement essential security controls. Using these insecure platforms can open the door to your network, allowing hackers to access secure content that would otherwise have been protected. Even if you think the vulnerable application is not part of your greater network, it may still provide information for hackers to find their way in.

Threat #7: Server-Side Request Forgery

Server-side request forgery is another security risk on the OWASP top 10 list. This occurs when hackers can make unauthorized requests that appear to come directly from your server, often by using input fields or application tools to manipulate the server. The attackers can then use the access to gather sensitive information or utilize other internal and external resources, frequently leading to significant security threats.
There are several essential steps necessary to protect against SSRF forgery. This includes properly configuring firewalls and whitelists as well as utilizing the right APIs to make requests within the server.

Threat #8: Integrated Resource Integrity Challenges

Modern developers often utilize resources from unknown sources to streamline application or software creation. Unfortunately, without those critical verifications, developers cannot ensure that the application does not have unexpected security vulnerabilities. Furthermore, that platform or integration can fail, leaving a gaping hole in the application. Active threat monitoring can go a long way toward protecting against those crucial threats.

Threat #9: Injection Threats

Injection is a serious threat for many businesses. Through injection attacks, hackers can input data, including code snippets or SQL queries, directly into web application forms. In many cases, they can utilize those tools for a variety of threats, including everything from infected webpages that can host attacks on users to SQL injection that may provide access to sensitive information within the database.

Threat #10: Security Monitoring Issues

Last on the OWASP top 10 cybersecurity threats are security monitoring issues. Security logging and monitoring are critical in protecting businesses of all sizes. When the business fails to properly track traffic on the network, log requests, and keep up with network access, including generating alerts as needed, it can prove very difficult to notice threats when they do strike. The longer an attacker has in the network, the more damage they can do. Effective security monitoring, on the other hand, can make it easier to spot and react to threats when they arise—and shut attackers out before they can do more damage.

How ThreatSign! Can Protect Your Business

Quttera's ThreatSign! offers website security and malware removal plans that can allow you to protect your business against hacking, malware, and the many potential security threats that arise every day. We offer a web application firewall to help protect your website directly as well as virtual patching and website hardening that can help keep up with potential threats and ensure that your website is protected from the latest challenges. Furthermore, we offer external malware scanning, including continuous server-side malware scanning. Our Premium Security package also includes automated and manual malware removal.

At Quttera, our quick response time serves to swiftly identify potential threats to your website and address them quickly. Contact us to learn more!