How do you prevent SEO poisoning tactics from copying your website's content and brand? This strategy is more complex because you cannot directly control sites hosted by content-stealing hackers. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to report malicious copies and have stolen content taken down.
First, seed your content with unique words and phrases that are easy to search for, scan, and identify as yours. Consider these "secret keywords" that are less likely to appear in competitor content. Then, scan regularly for excerpts from your pages and blogs to detect plagiarised copies.
When/if you identify stolen content, you can report it to the web host (using
ICANN) requesting a DMCA takedown. You can also report it to
Google and request the de-listing of the copied content from search results.
The more original and high-quality your brand content, the more desirable it is to steal — and the easier it is to defend. If your content is unique from other results for the same search terms, you can more easily prove your authorship and defend your right to have copies taken down.