If you have a website, hostile forces are probing it every hour of every day for weaknesses. A good web application firewall stops the large majority of those attempts.
Ordinary firewalls limit access by IP address and hide services that shouldn't be public. However, they can't do anything about hostile traffic that's designed to find weaknesses in a Web server or CMS. They can't even see most of the traffic, since it's encrypted if you have a secure HTTPS site. A Web Application Firewall examines decrypted requests to your website and looks for signs of hostile intent.
Some of these signs are based on patterns in the request, such as SQL commands in form fields. Some incorporate threat intelligence about known attack methods. Others use behavioral analysis, finding usage patterns that fall outside expected user activity. New ways of breaking website security keep appearing, and a WAF needs regular updates to keep up with them.
Quttera Cloud-Based Web Application Firewall uses both signatures and behavioral indicators to catch a broad range of intrusion attempts. The latest threat intelligence keeps it up to date. It can even catch types of attacks that haven't been seen before. This means less downtime, less of a chance of damage, and a more reliable experience for your users.