We regularly help website owners to clean up malware from their sites. A speedy response is important, and we work to remove threats and get the site back online as fast as possible. A quick recovery keeps the site's reputation from suffering.
Any kind of intrusion on a website is troublesome. Some do obvious damage which any visitor can see. They may redirect the browser to a malicious site with malware or disgusting content. They may insert spam content in the form of unauthorized ads or comments. Using an iframe, they may overlay an entire remote page on the target site. Visitors will flee from the site, and it will disappear from search engine results.
The worst kind of damage may not be visible at all. A persistent threat can install itself on a site and send confidential information to a server over a long period of time. Until the breach is discovered, the intruder gathers personal information or trade secrets. Sometimes the leak goes on for weeks or months.
Once it's discovered, the site's reputation will suffer serious damage. Customers will refuse to use it. Payment processing centers may refuse to deal with it. There could be expensive legal consequences.
Every site needs a website protection strategy to minimize the risk of a breach. There's no such thing as a site that's too obscure or too unimportant to be a target. Operators of eCommerce sites need to be especially wary, whether they're little one-product shops or large enterprises.