This set of articles is an all-in-one overview of all the places to investigate to fix your website after it has been hacked. Manually removing malware infections from a website isn't an easy task. It requires a lot of knowledge and expertise.
Once again, be sure to back up your website before starting any remediation procedures. After the site is clean, harden the .htaccess and PHP configuration files, set up WAF to protect your site, and periodically run external and internal scans so you can quickly detect and remove any new infections.
If you aren't sure how to proceed, our malware research team is here to clean up malware for you and get your site off all blacklists. Just
sign up for ThreatSign, the all-in-one website protection platform. Having ThreatSign working for you will increase cybersecurity and reduce IT costs.
Everything you need to manage the security risks — a website firewall, an incident response team to fix hacked sites, advanced malware scanning techniques, DNS/IP checkups, malware and blacklist removal, and advanced features to boost your business security online — is provided in one place.