If you operate a website, you need to concern yourself with making it as secure as possible. There are no exceptions to website security – no matter what industry or sector you find yourself in, every website is vulnerable to a potential attack.
All websites are susceptible to being targeted by automated hacking scripts or even manual hacking attempts. Many of these attacks start subtly enough, with a discovery process seeking installed packages and security vulnerabilities just waiting to be taken advantage of.
Once the hacker can get that information, they inject a vulnerability exploit to root out the detected vulnerability. From there, they now have control of your site, and you're at their mercy. So as a website owner and operator, what do you need to do to protect yourself?
Let's take a closer look at six best practices for raising the bar on your
website security platform – these will leave you better prepared (or, if you've already been infiltrated, able to respond and recover quickly).